Søren's place
Welcome to my web-site. On these pages you may find various professional as well
as personal information relating to me.
Most information should be factual up-to-date, but the subject matter is (still) more or less
what I used to have on my university pages. I hope to find time to add more subjects
later on.
You may be looking for my blog, 'Den Grønne Have' (in Danish).
Mathematical Publications
- Rational Points on Curves over Finite
Fields. Lecture Notes Series No. 62, University of Aarhus.
[ MR 98k:11078 ]
- Canonical bundles of Deligne-Lusztig varieties.
Manuscripta Math.
98 (1999) pp. 363-375. [ MR 2001i:14063 ]
- The Geometry of Deligne-Lusztig varieties;
Higher-dimensional AG codes. Ph.D.-thesis, University of Aarhus,
July 1999. [pdf
Error-correcting codes from higher-dimensional
varieties. Finite Fields and Their Applications 7
(2001) pp. 530-552. [ MR 2003d:94121 ]
- Picard groups of
Deligne-Lusztig varieties - with a view toward higher
codimensions. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie /
Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 43 (2002) pp. 9-26.
[ MR 2003d:94121 ]
Assorted Links
I couldn't resist putting this up:
Here's an un-authorized translation
back into English:
Hello. Alright "Søren Egghead", I'm your new manager and
My name is Søren. we're not impressed by your I would like you to lick the
I'm new in the firm. degrees. In this firm it is roadsalt off my car...NOW!
I got my MBA from the quality of your work
Stanford... that counts! Fine, wait to see the
quality of my work